Transformations in Antiquity

Dear Colleagues,

This year we celebrate 100 years of archaeology at the University of Warsaw. We would like to organize an international jubilee conference and to invite a wide range of specialists to participate in sessions or workshops with narrower thematic areas. The conference will take place on December 8-13, 2019 at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw.

The panel titled Transformations in Antiquity will include papers discussing one of the following aspects of transformation process, which resulted in changes in the nature of Classical Antiquity:

  • transformation of military and civilian space, particularly transformations of military bases into late Roman towns
  • social transformations, ethnic changes, Romanization, acculturation expressed in archaeological finds
  • transformations of Roman provincial landscape after the Roman conquest and in the Migration Period
  • transformations on both sides of the frontier: mutual influence between the Roman frontier zone and Barbaricum resulting in their changes
  • cultural and language transformations: Latin, Greek and local languages within the Roman empire
  • economic transformations of Late Antiquity
  • religious transformations and its influence on the town’s space.

The panel will be held on 11th December 2019 (Wednesday) at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, room 2.09.

The session will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Tadeusz Sarnowski.

The programme of the conference panel

9.15-9.30 Agnieszka Tomas – Introduction to the panel

Chairman: Florian Matei-Popescu

9.30-9.50 Gerda Sommer von Bülow – Changes of Architectural Patterns as an Indication for a Demographic Transformation. The Case of the Limes Fortress Iatrus (Moesia Secunda)

9.50-10.10 Sven Conrad, Lyudmil Vagalinski, Nadezhda Kecheva, Lyuba Traikova – The strategic position at the southernmost section of the Danube

10.10-10.30 – Martin Lemke – The transformation of army supply in Lower Moesia in Late Antiquity

10.30-10.50 – Agnieszka Tomas – The transformation of Novae: eastern necropolis and the late Roman annex

10.50-11.30 – Discussion and a coffee break

Chairman: Sven Conrad

11.30-11.50 – Mihail Zahariade – From castra to civitates at the Lower Danube Frontier: four cases: Halmyris, Noviodunum, Troesmis and Capidava

11.50-12.10 – Florian Matei-Popescu – Transformation of the provincial army: From Lower Moesia to Moesia II and Scythia

12.10-12.30 – Adriana Panaite – The landscape in Moesia Inferior. Some observations about the Roman town Tropaeum Traiani

12.30-12.50 – Christian Gugl – Changing settlement patterns in the Troesmis area (Dobrudja, Romania)

12.50-13.10 – Discussion

13.10-14.30 – Lunch break

Chairman: Christian Gugl

14.30-14.50 – Calin Timoc – The evolution of Tibiscum fort and the transformation of the neighbouring civilian settlements during the 2nd century AD

14.50-15.10 – Mateusz Żmudziński – Transformation of Dacia from Roman to post-Roman

15.10-15.30 – Emil Jęczmienowski – A Military Base or A Civil Settlement? Changes in the Auxiliary Forts in the Area of the Iron Gate from 1st to 6th century AD

15.30-15.50 – Tomasz Dziurdzik, Mirko Rasić – In the Shadow of a Military Base, on the Outskirts of a Colony: Understanding Cultural Transformations 

15.50-16.10 – Discussion

16.10-16.30 – Coffee break

Chairman: Emil Jęczmienowski

16.30-16.50 – Urszula Laska – Economic and territorial transformation in the Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Hadrian

16.50-17.10 – Paulina Komar – From market to bazaar – Roman economy between the early and late antiquity in the light of transport containers 

17.10-17.30 – Discussion and closing the panel

19.00 – Banquet at the Column Hall (University of Warsaw, Department of History)

20.00 – Dinner for the panel participants

Costs and payments: The participation in the conference is free. Please note that the organisers do not cover travel and accommodation expenses.

Conference materials, accommodation and meals: The organizers offer help in booking convenient accommodation in Warsaw during the Conference. The organizers will provide conference materials and refreshments during the Conference. We also plan a free conference dinner party for the participants.

Post-conference publication: The participants are invited to submit full and original research papers that have not been published or submitted for consideration elsewhere. The conference papers will be published in the reviewed book series Światowit Supplement Series published by the University of Warsaw.


Ass. Prof. Agnieszka Tomas, Department of Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, PL. e-mail:

This panel is organized with support of the National Science Centre, within the project entitled Extramural settlement near the Roman legionary fortress at Novae (Lower Moesia) and its fate in Late Antiquity, no. 2015/19/B/HS3/01790.