The epidemic situation and the examination session

Dear Students,

Due to the repeated questions, I would like to kindly inform you that in accordance with the university regulations, in the case of lectures ending with an exam in accordance with the study program, they can be organized remotely only at the previously expressed request of the examiner. The list of exams conducted remotely and the tools with which they will be conducted has been published in the form of the EUH ordinance and will be visible after data migration (probably tomorrow there will be an announcement on this matter on the FA UW website).

In the case of obtaining credits, the decision on the method of conducting the credit depends entirely on the teacher, his arrangements with the students and enrollment in the subject syllabus.

Please note, however, that the tutor is responsible for conducting both exams and credits in a form that excludes unethical obtaining of credits (cheating). This, in turn, is usually much simpler during the stationary testing, hence the lecturers have the right to stick to this form of checking the results.

I would also like to remind you that a referral to quarantine, automatic until the results of the COVID-19 test are obtained, is tantamount to sick leave, the same is the case with referral to isolation in case of a positive test result. Your absence on the final grading test should be easily excused on the basis of a referral by the Sanepid for quarantine or isolation. In this case, you should establish with the tutors the new dates of credits after the end of the sick leave period (of course, during the examination session or re-sit session). Also in the case of the exam, additional exam date will be set in accordance with the Study Regulations on the basis of a sick leave/quarantine referral/isolation referral presented to EUH by the end of the sick leave period (paragraph 37 section 7 RS).

Yours faithfully,

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs (EUH)
The Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw