Chowaniec Roksana

Roksana Chowaniec
dr hab. Roksana Chowaniec
Department of Numismatics and Museology


duty hours:

research Interests:
Archaeology of Greek and Roman Sicily, archaeometry, Romanisation processes, material culture, landscape studies, public archaeology, cognitive problems of the education and popularisation of archaeological heritage (museum studies, education methods, museum marketing)

selected bibliography (full

  1. Chowaniec R., Dziedzictwo archeologiczne w Polsce. Formy edukacji i promocji, Warszawa 2010
  2. Chowaniec R., in coll. Misiewicz K., Małkowski W., Acrae antica alla luce di indagini non invasive, Journal of Ancient Topography (Rivista di Topografia Antica) XIX, 2009 (opublikowane w 2011), p. 121-138
  3. Chowaniec R., Misiewicz K., Non-invasive researches in Palazzolo Acreide (ancient Akrai), Sicily, Archeologia 59, 2008 (2011), p. 173-186, pl. XXV-XXVII
  4. Chowaniec R., „Biskupin bez tajemnic. Interaktywny przewodnik po starożytnym grodzie”, czyli o animacjach komputerowych w edukacji i popularyzacji archeologii, (in:) Digitalizacja dziedzictwa archeologicznego – wybrane zagadnienia, Zapłata R. (ed.), Portal Wiedza i Edukacja, Lublin 2011, p. 76-90
  5. Chowaniec R., Archaeology on the Web. Educating children and youth though internet portals, (in:) Archaeological Heritage: Methods of Education and Popularization, Chowaniec R., Więckowski W. (ed.), BAR International Series 2443, Oxford 2012, p. 37-41.
  6. Chowaniec R., Tavernise A., Fostering education through virtual worlds: the learning and dissemination of ancient Biskupin,  (in:) Archaeological Heritage: Methods of Education and Popularization, Chowaniec R., Więckowski W. (ed.), BAR International Series 2443, Oxford 2012, p. 43-47
  7.  Chowaniec R., Matera M., New Terracotta Figurine of Demeter/Ceres from The South–Eastern Sicily, Archaeology and Science 8, 2012, Belgrad 2013, p. 7-18
  8. Chowaniec R., Rekowska M., Rediscovering the Past. Ancient Akrai in Sicily, (in:) Et in Arcadia Ego. Studia Memoriae Professoris Thomae Mikocki dicata, Dobrowolski W., Płóciennik T. (eds.), Warsaw 2013, p. 261-271
  9. Chowaniec R., Więcek T., Guzzardi L., Akrai greca e Acrae romana. I nuovi rinvenimenti monetali degli scavi polacco-italiani 2011-2012, Annali Istituto Italiano di Numismatica 59, 2013 (2014), p. 237-269, tav. XIV-XV
  10. Więcek T., Chowaniec R., Guzzardi L., Greek Akrai and Roman Acrae. New numismatic evidence. Polish-Italian archaeological excavations 2011-2012, Archeologia 62-63, 2011-12 (2014), p. 19-30
  11. Chowaniec R., The recovery in the town? Greek colony in new Roman reality. Case study, (in:) Centre and Periphery in the Ancient World. Proceeding XVIIIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Alvarez J.M., Nogales T., Rodà I. (eds.), vol II, Merida 2014, p. 1007-1011
  12. Chowaniec R., Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Raneri S., Fitula M., Petro-archaeometric characterization of ancient pottery from Akrai, (in:) Unveiling the past of an ancient town. Akrai/Acrea in south-eastern Sicily, Chowaniec R., (ed.), Warsaw 2015, p. 311-330.
  13. Chowaniec R., Comments on the history and topography of Akrai/Acrae in the light of new research,  (in:) Unveiling the past of an ancient town. Akrai/Acrea in south-eastern Sicily, Chowaniec R., (ed.), Warsaw 2015, p. 43-78.
  14.  Chowaniec R., General remarks on the new archaeological studies in Akrai (2009-2014), (in:) Unveiling the past of an ancient town. Akrai/Acrea in south-eastern Sicily, Chowaniec R. (ed.), Warsaw 2015, p. 31-41
  15. Chowaniec R., Misiewicz K., Comparison of the results of magnetic and gradient survey with the real situation in the field on the basis of excavations at Akrai/Acrae, south-eastern Sicily. New possibilities for the interpretation of geophysical map, Archaeologia Polona 53, 2015, p. 198-201
  16. Chowaniec R., Wojna i zabawa. Grupy rekonstrukcyjne jako źródło wiedzy o antyku, (in:) Antyk w zwierciadle literatury i kultury popularnej, A. W. Mikołajczak, K. Dominas, R. Dymczyk (eds.), Poznań 2015, p. 88-102
  17. Chowaniec R., Corinthian Roman Relief Bowls from Acrae, prov. Syracuse, south-eastern Sicily, Światowit fasc. A. Mediterranean and Non-European Archaeology XII (LIII), 2014, Warszawa 2015, p. 81-98
  18. Chowaniec R., Miejsce dziedzictwa archeologicznego w turystyce dla dzieci i młodzieży, (in:) Organizacja i zarządzanie turystyką i krajoznawstwem, Chowaniec R., Michalska-Harasimiuk K., Szczęsna J., Trystuła A., Wolska A., Warszawa 2016, p. 118-153
  19. Chowaniec R., Greek and Roman Impact on the environment. Case study: Akrai/Acrae in south-eastern Sicily, (in:) Cracow Landscape Monographs 2. Landscape as impulsion for culture: research, perception & protection. Landscape in the Past & Forgotten Landscape, P. Kołodziejczyk, B. Kwiatkowska-Kopka (eds.), Kraków 2016, p. 175-185
  20. Chowaniec R., The Sicilian world after the Punic Wars: the Greek colony in a new reality, (in:) Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration, H. Glørstad, L. Melheim, Z. Glørstad (eds.), Sheffield 2016, p. 41-54
  21. Chowaniec R., Misiewicz K., New geophysical observations on the house complex in ancient town of Akrai/Acrae, south-eastern Sicily, Rivista di Topografia Antica XXV, 2015 (2016), p. 137-150
  22. Chowaniec R., Gręzak A., Dietary preferences of the inhabitants of ancient Akrai/Acrae (south-eastern Sicily) during Roman times and the Byzantine period, (in:) Géoarchéologie des îles de Méditerranée. Geoarchaeology of the Mediterranean Islands, M. Ghilardi (ed.), Paris 2016, p. 287-298
  23. Barone G., Chowaniec R., Fitula M., Mazzoleni P., Mirabella L., Raneri S., Pottery production during „romanization” of Sicily: an archaeometric study of plain table-ware classes from ancient Akrai (Sicily), Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 16, is. 3, 2016, p. 157-170
  24. Barone G., Chowaniec R., Mangioni S., Mazzoleni P., Raneri S., Evaluation of the technological feature of Late Roman Cooking Ware Classes from Akrai (Syracuse, Sicily), Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 16, is. 3, 2016, p. 171-183
  25. Chowaniec R., Fitula M., Recenti scavi ad Akrai (Palazzolo Acreide, Sr), ARCHAEOLOGIAE Research by Foreign Missions in Italy XIII.1-2, 2015 (2017), p. 47-68
  26. Chowaniec R., The Coming of Rome. Cultural Landscape of South–Eastern Sicily, Warsaw 2017
  27. Chowaniec R., Archaeology for Everyone. Presenting Archaeological Heritage to the Public in Poland, Warsaw 2017
  28. Chowaniec R., Triskeles – Trinacria – Triquetra a terytorialna tożsamość Sycylii, (in:) Florilegium. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Krawczukowi z okazji dziewięćdziesiątej piątej rocznicy urodzin, E. Dąbrowa, T. Grabowski, M. Piegdoń (eds.), Kraków 2017, p. 173-183
  29. Chowaniec R., Więcek T., History of town Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds, (in:) XV International Numismatic Congress Taormina 2015 Proceedings, M. Caccamo Caltabiano (ed.), Roma-Messina 2017, p. 122-125
  30. Chowaniec R. in collaboration with J. Młynarczyk, K. Domżalski, T. Więcek, M. Wagner, A. Gręzak, K. Misiewicz, M. Więch, K. Chmielewski, R. Lanteri, M. Fituła, M. Stobiecka, Akrai/Acrae – The Greek Colony and Roman Town. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition in 2015, Archeologia 66, 2015 (2017), p. 105–130
  31. Fernandes R., Chowaniec R., Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of ancient Roman foodways, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19, 2018, p. 979-981
  32. Chowaniec R., Fituła M., Matera M., Więcek T., Integrated approach to study the vicinity of ancient Akrai. Survey perspective, (in:) On the borders of Syracuse: Multidisciplinary studies on the ancient town of Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, R. Chowaniec (ed.), Warsaw 2018, p. 85-111
  33. Chowaniec R., Articulating the local Roman culture in Hellenistic Sicily. The small finds illustrate the local history, (in:) On the borders of Syracuse: Multidisciplinary studies on the ancient town of Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, R. Chowaniec (ed.), Warsaw 2018, p. 33-68
  34. Chowaniec R., Dotsika E., Gręzak A., Late Hellenistic to Later Roman/Byzantine periods faunal and flora assemblage in the ancient Akrai (south–eastern Sicily). Environment and food circulation reconstruction, (in:) On the borders of Syracuse: Multidisciplinary studies on the ancient town of Akrai/Acrae, Sicily, R. Chowaniec (ed.), Warsaw 2018, p. 145-171
  35. Chowaniec R., Lanteri R., Żelazowski J., Nuove testimonianze di pitture parietali da Akrai (Sicilia), (in:) Pictores per provincias II – Status Quaestionis. Actes du 13e Colloque de l’Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique (AIPMA), Y. Dubois, U. Niffeler (eds.), Antiqua 55, Basel 2018, p. 375-382
  36. Chowaniec R., Więcek T., The archaeological excavations at ancient town of Akrai in southeastern Sicily, ANS American Numismatic Society 17.2, 2018, p. 28-39
  37. Chowaniec R., Remarks on the understanding landscape in archaeology, Polish Journal of Landscape Studies 1, 2018, p. 81-84