Déderix Sylviane

Dr. Sylviane Déderix
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology
Stanisław Ulam programme grantee, NAWA (2024-2026).


 Research interests:
– Aegean archaeology
– Burial practices
– Landscape archaeology
– Geomatics
– Metallurgical practices

Research project:
Mining districts in context. A multi-scalar and diachronic approach to Aegean metallurgical practices

Archaeological field projects:
– Since 2020: P.I. of the project “Minoan burial practices at Malia” (École française d’Athènes): https://www.efa.gr/section-categorie/pratiques-funeraires-a-malia-s-dederix/
– Since 2018: Director of the prehistoric team of the Thorikos Archaeological Research Project (Belgian School at Athens; dir. R. Docter): https://www.thorikos.be/
– Since 2008: Member of the Sissi Archaeological Research Project (Belgian School at Athens; dir. J. Driessen): https://sarpedon.be/

Selected publications:
Déderix S., Ralli P. & Bastide M. (eds), forthcoming. Unsung Pioneer Women in the Archaeology of Greece (proceedings of the first workshop on Women in the Archaeology of Greece (March 8, 2023), to be published in the Bulletin de correspondance hellénique).

Déderix S., 2023. Placing Tholos A at Apesokari: an analysis of visibility, intervisibility and invisibility, in: Flouda G., An Archaeological Palimpsest in Minoan Crete. Tholos Tomb A and Habitation at Apesokari (Prehistory Monographs 70), Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, p. 21-30.

Schmitt A. & Déderix S., 2021. Too many secondary burials in Minoan Crete?, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 64, article 101354 [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2021.101354].

Déderix S., Papadimitriou N., Balitsari A., Cantoro G., Efstathiou A., Manataki M., Nazou M., Sarris A. & Laffineur R., 2021. Prehistoric Thorikos: preliminary report of the 2018 and 2019 fieldwork campaigns, in: Docter R.F. & Webster M. (eds), Thorikos: Reports and Studies 12, Louvain, Paris & Bristol: Peeters, p. 35-58

Déderix S., 2019. Patterns of visibility, intervisibility and invisibility at Bronze Age Apesokari (Crete), Open Archaeology 5, p. 187-203 [https://doi.org/10.1515/opar-2019-0014].

Dungan K., White D., Déderix S., Mills B. & Safi K., 2018. A total viewshed approach to local visibility in the Chaco World, Antiquity 92(364), p. 905-921 [https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2018.135].

Schmitt A., Déderix S. & Crevecoeur I. (eds), 2018. Gathered in Death. Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives on Collective Burial and Social Organisation (Aegis 14), Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

Driessen J., Anastasiadou M., Caloi I., Claeys T., Déderix S., Devolder M., Jusseret S., Langohr C., Letesson Q., Mathioudaki I., Mouthuy O. & Schmitt A., 2018. Excavations at Sissi, IV. Preliminary Report on the 2015-2016 Campaigns (Aegis 13), Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

Déderix S., 2017. Communication networks, interactions and social negotiation in Prepalatial South-Central Crete, American Journal of Archaeology 121.1, p. 5-37 [https://doi.org/10.3764/aja.121.1.0005].

Déderix S., 2016. Traveling across archaeological landscapes: the contribution of hierarchical communication networks, in: Campana S., Scopigno R., Carpentiero G. & Cirillo M. (eds), CAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Oxford: Archaeopress, p. 555-565.

Déderix S., 2015. A matter of scale. Assessing the visibility of circular tombs in the landscape of Bronze Age Crete, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 4, p. 525-534 [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.10.021].


Finlayson Sarah

Dr Sarah Finlayson

Dr. Sarah Finlayson 
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology
Stanisław Ulam programme grantee, NAWA (2024-2025).

Phone number:
+48 22 55 22 814

Research interests:
– Aegean archaeology
– Aegean scripts
– seals and sealing practices
– experimental archaeology

Research project:
Inscribed and impressed: exploring clay sealings from the Bronze Age Aegean as mini-documents in diachronic administrative systems.

Invitation to the seminar ABC of European Heritage. Archaeology of the Byzantine Commonwealth.

At the request of the organisers, we are sending an invitation to participate in an online seminar entitled ABC of European Heritage. Archaeology of the Byzantine Commonwealth.

The invitation is addressed to both staff and students of WA UW.

The aim of this initiative is to popularise the study of Byzantium and its heritage in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It is made possible with funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. (Project Ex Oriente Lux – modernisation and internationalisation of heritage studies in eastern Poland; Science for Society programme no. NdS/543907/2021/2022).

Below are some organisational details:

1). only a seminar is organised, no publication is planned;

2). we are using the zoom platform;

3). of course, students from any country can register;

4). the meeting will be held in an online format. The lecture – 45 minutes – will be translated simultaneously into Polish and Ukrainian;

5). Power Point presentations (e.g. captions to figures) will be prepared in English;

6). three blocks of lectures will be organised (approx. 9:00 – approx. 15:00)

a). 26.-29.02.2024

b). 13.-16.05.2024

c). 10.-13.06.2024

7). The term Byzantine Commonwealth refers to Orthodox areas in the Middle Ages from Sudan to Novgorod and from Sicily to Armenia.

The entire seminar will be available in Polish. It will be translated by A. Jakimowicz translation service.

Those interested may contact Dr. Marcin Woloszyn.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Ulanowska Agata

Agata Ulanowska
dr hab. Agata Ulanowska, prof. ucz.
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology


office hours:
Thursdays: 13.15–14.15, room 3.14 and online, on previous request, via Zoom or Google Meet.

research interests:
– Bronze Age Aegean
– textile production and technology
– experimental and experience archaeology
– Aegean seals and sealing practices

Publications until 2022

Funded research projects:



EuroWeb. Europe Europe Through Textiles: Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities‘, 2020-2024, COST Action CA 19131 (645 955 EUR).



‘Textiles and Seals. Relations between Textile Production and Seals and Sealing Practices in Bronze Age Greece’, 2018 – 2021, research project at the Institute of Archaeology UW, financed by the programme SONATA 13 of the National Science Centre in Poland (UMO-2017/26/D/HS3/00145, 637 052 PLN).



‘Textile Production in Bronze Age Greece – Comparative Studies of the Aegean Weaving Techniques’, 2015 – 2017, Post-doctoral internship of The National Science Centre in Poland to the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Centre for Research on Ancient Technologies in Lodz (UMO-2015/16/S/HS3/00085, 300 000 PLN).

Educational project:

‘Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills from Prehistory to the Classical Period in Greece. Communities of Learning in the Past and in Higher Education Today, ACTS’, project funded by the 4EU+ Alliance and the Erasmus Plus Programme, ref. no. 612621

Makowski Piotr

Piotr Makowski
Dr. Piotr Makowski
Katedra Archeologii Orientu


phone number:
+48 (22) 55 22 809

duty hours:
Thursday 11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m., room 3.09
Friday 11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m., room 3.09

research interests:
– archaeology of the Byzantine and Islamic Near East
– land use and Settlement Patterns of Syro-Palestine during the Byzantine and
Islamic periods
– the fate of Christian communities of Syro-Palestine during the Byzantine-
Islamic transition
– identity and material culture of the Early Islamic world
– production and distribution of handmade wares in the Islamic Near East


Ryś-Jarmużek Agnieszka

Agnieszka Ryś-Jarmużek
Agnieszka Ryś-Jarmużek, MA
Department of Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia


+48 (22) 55 22 808

duty hours:
Tuesday 10-11:30 a.m., room 3.08

research interests:
– settlement and household economics during the 2nd and 1st millenium BC in Egypt and Sudan
– socio-economic aspects of production and crafts in ancient Egypt
– ground stone tool technology
– documentation and analysis of artefacts from domestic contexts



Kaczanowicz Marta

Dr. Marta Kacznowicz
Department of Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia


+48 22 55 22 825

office hours:
Tuesday 12–1 p.m., room 3.25
Wednesday 12–1 p.m., room 3.25

research interests:
– The archaeology of Egypt in the first millennium BCE
– The reuse of monuments and objects in the past
– The position of women in ancient Egypt
– Plant cultivation in ancient Egypt
– The history of Egyptology, with a focus on women’s contribution

Marta Kaczanowicz.pdf

Innemée Karel

Karel Innemee
dr. Karel Innemée
Department of Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia


phone number:
+31 620031113

duty hours:
Monday 14.00–15.30, room 3.08
or online (practically every day), but then please contact me by e-mail in advance

research interests:
– Art and Archaeology of Early Christianity, especially in Egypt and Nubia
– Christian iconography of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Nile Valley

research projects:
“The Church of the Holy Virgin in Deir al-Surian” (Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt) is a project that started in 1996 and consists of a total analysis of a church that was built in middle of the 7th century and has been in use continuously since then. An international team of scholars and restorers works on the uncovering and restoration of paintings, texts, and architectural details that give an image of the life an rituals of a multi-cultural monastic community.

“Costumes of Authority. The Image of Royalty and Clergy in Christian Nubia” is a project funded by NCN, aimed at analysis of the costumes of Nubian dignitaries as they appear in Christian mural paintings in order to shed light on the way in which worldly and ecclesiastical authority was expressed through costumes and how these costumes refer to divine authority and role models from the past (Meroe) and foreign role models (Byzantium).

“The “Good Shepherd” of Masida. An image in the context of the changing cultural landscape of the Third Cataract of the Nile.”

Karel Innemée.pdf