Aulsebrook Stephanie

Dr. Stephanie Aulsebrook
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology


duty hours:
Thursday 13:15 – 14:15 (online during inter-semester breaks and the summer semester; please email to make an appointment)

research interests:
– Aegean Late Bronze Age
– metal artefacts
– object biographies

Forging Society at Late Bronze Age Mycenae

Aegean Metalware – Collaboration with Dr Christina Clarke (ANU)

Historical Metallurgy Society

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. Recent developments in archaeometallurgical research: the Bronze Age Greek Mainland, Crete, and the Cyclades. Archaeological Reports 68: 109–132.

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. The impact of archaeological recording on the study of metal artefacts. Mycenae 1939: a case study. Annual of the British School of Athens 117: 415–455.

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. Forging ahead or foiled again? A new direction for cross-craft analysis with case studies from Late Bronze Age metalworking in the Aegean, in S. Aulsebrook, K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 3. Turnhout: Brepols: 99–112.

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. All’s well that ends well. An in-depth look at how objects entered Aegean Late Bronze Age wells, in S. Aulsebrook, K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 3. Turnhout: Brepols: 163–166.

Aulsebrook, S. 2020. Understanding the role of metal within the Late Bronze Age community at Mycenae: challenges and potential approaches. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 29(2): 237–264.

Aulsebrook, S. 2019. Crisis at the Cult Centre: Evidence from the Megaron Basements, in K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 2. Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press: 111–121.

Aulsebrook, S. 2019. Materialising Mythology: the Cup of Nestor from Shaft Grave IV at Mycenae, in K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 2. Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press: 79–89.

French, E.B. and S. Aulsebrook. 2018. Italy and Mycenae, in M. Bettelli, M. Del Freo and G.J. van Wijngaarden (eds.) Mediterranea Itinera. Studies in Honour of Lucia Vagnetti. Rome: CNR – Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico: 67–76.

Demakopoulou, K. and S. Aulsebrook. 2018. The Gold and Silver Vessels and Other Precious Finds from the Tholos Tomb at Kokla in the Argolid. Annual of the British School at Athens 113: 119–142.

Aulsebrook, S. 2018. Chicken or egg? Rethinking the relationship between the silver and tinned ceramic vessel assemblages. Annual of the British School at Athens 113: 75–118.

Aulsebrook, S. 2018. Rethinking standardisation: the social meanings of Mycenaean metal cups. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 37: 147–163.

Aulsebrook, S. 2017. Repair, recycle or modify? The response to damage and/or obsolescence in Mycenaean metal vessels during the Prepalatial and Palatial Periods and its implications for understanding metal recycling. Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici NS 3: 7–26.

Aulsebrook, S. 2017. Late Bronze Age manipulation of light and colour in metal, in C. Duckworth and A. Sassin (eds.) Colour and Light in Ancient and Medieval Art. London: Routledge: 35–45.

Aulsebrook, S. 2016. Placed with care: interaction with decorated Mycenaean metal vessels, in M. Mina, Y. Papadatos, and S. Triantafyllou (eds.) An Archaeology of Prehistoric Bodies and Embodied Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of a conference held 10-12 April 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus. Oxford: Oxbow Books: 71–77.

Aulsebrook, S. 2015. Retrieving capacity data from crushed lead vessels: an example from the House of Lead, Mycenae. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 15.3: 201–211.

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