Innemée Karel

Karel Innemee
dr. Karel Innemée
Department of Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia


phone number:
+31 620031113

duty hours:
Monday 14.00–15.30, room 3.08
or online (practically every day), but then please contact me by e-mail in advance

research interests:
– Art and Archaeology of Early Christianity, especially in Egypt and Nubia
– Christian iconography of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Nile Valley

research projects:
“The Church of the Holy Virgin in Deir al-Surian” (Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt) is a project that started in 1996 and consists of a total analysis of a church that was built in middle of the 7th century and has been in use continuously since then. An international team of scholars and restorers works on the uncovering and restoration of paintings, texts, and architectural details that give an image of the life an rituals of a multi-cultural monastic community.

“Costumes of Authority. The Image of Royalty and Clergy in Christian Nubia” is a project funded by NCN, aimed at analysis of the costumes of Nubian dignitaries as they appear in Christian mural paintings in order to shed light on the way in which worldly and ecclesiastical authority was expressed through costumes and how these costumes refer to divine authority and role models from the past (Meroe) and foreign role models (Byzantium).

“The “Good Shepherd” of Masida. An image in the context of the changing cultural landscape of the Third Cataract of the Nile.”

Karel Innemée.pdf

Bugajska Karolina

Karolina Bugajska
Karolina Bugajska, PhD
Katedra Archeologii Epoki Kamienia


research interests:
– Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Para-Neolithic
– burial rites in the Stone Age
– the Paleolithic and Mesolithic Art
– Bioarcheology
– Cultural anthropology


Gumiński W., Bugajska K., 2023, Painted wood, notch on bone – ornamentation or marking? A case of two neighbouring forager sites, Dudka and Szczepanki, Masuria, NE-Poland, (in) J.M. Grünberg, E. Brinch Petersen, B. Gramsch, T. Płonka, H. Meller (eds.) Mesolithic Art – Abstraction, Decoration, Messages, Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle, Band 26/I, Halle (Saale), 333-359.

Bugajska K., 2023, Purified by fire. Cremation burials in the Stone Age hunter-gatherer cemetery at Dudka, Masuria, northeast Poland, Documenta Praehistorica vol.50 (2023), 110-135, DOI:

Bugajska K., 2021, Cremation Burials of the Stone Age Hunter-Gatherers on the European Plain, Światowit LIX (2020), 15-45.

Bugajska K., 2021, Pit or grave? ‘Emptied’ graves from the cemetery at Dudka, Masuria, north-eastern Poland, (in:) D. Borić, D. Antonović, B. Mihailović (eds.), Foraging Assemblages, Volume 2, Belgrade & New York (Serbian Archaeological Society, The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University), 648-655.

Wacnik A., Gumiński W., Cywa K., Bugajska K., 2020, Forests and foragers: exploitation of wood resources by Mesolithic and para‑Neolithic societies in north‑eastern Poland, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 29, 2020: 717-736,

Bugajska K., Gumiński W., 2016, How many steps to heaven?  Loose human bones and secondary burials at Dudka and Szczepanki, (in:) Grünberg J., Gramsch B., Larsson L., Orschiedt J., Meller H. (eds), Mesolithic burials – Rites, symbols and social organization of early postglacial communities. Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 13/II, 2016, Halle (Saale), 339-455.

Gumiński W., Bugajska K., 2016, Exception as a rule. Unusual Mesolithic cemetery and other graves at Dudka and Szczepanki, Masuria, NE-Poland, (in:) J.M. Grünberg, B. Gramsch, L. Larsson, J. Orschied, H. Meller (eds.), Mesolithic burials – Rites, symbols and social organisation of early postglacial communities, Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle, Band 13/II, Halle (Saale): 465-510.

Bugajska K., 2015, In the ground or in the basket? Burial wrappings from the Stone Age hunters’ cemetery at Dudka, Masuria, NE-Poland. Novensia 26, 10–23.

Bugajska K., 2015, Obrządek pogrzebowy łowców-zbieraczy epoki kamienia w południowej Skandynawii i na Niżu Środkowoeuropejskim, Przegląd Archeologiczny 62 (2014), 5-69.

Howcroft R., Bugajska K., Gumiński W., Kowalewska-Marszałek H., Szczepanek A., Włodarczak P., Eriksson G., 2013, Breastfeeding and weaning practices during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in Poland, (in:) R. Howcroft, Weaned Upon a Time. Studies of the Infant Diet in Prehistory, Thesis and Papers in Scientific Archaeology 14, Stockholm (Stockholm University): 1-27.

Bugajska K., 2011, Ozdoby z grobów łowców (mezolit, paraneolit) – Mazury w kręgu wschodnim czy zachodnim (w:) Stankiewicz U., Wawrusiewicz A. (red.), Na rubieży kultur. Badania nad okresem neolitu i wczesną epoką brązu, Białystok, 359-370.

Research projects:
NCN Opus 20; nr 2020/39/B/HS3/02375, Absolute chronology of burials and loose human bones from the hunter-gatherer Stone Age sites Dudka and Szczepanki in Masuria (NE-Poland)
published results of the project:
– Bugajska, K. (2023). Purified by fire: Cremation burials in the Stone Age hunter-gatherer cemetery at Dudka, Masuria, northeast Poland. Documenta Praehistorica50, 110-135.



Mueller-Bieniek Aldona

Aldona Mueller-Bieniek
dr hab. Aldona Mueller-Bieniek, prof. ucz.
Department of Bioarchaeology
Laboratorium Archeologicznych Analiz Specjalistycznych


duty hours:
Monday 1.30 pm–3 pm on the Google Meet platform or in the room 0.30 (prior arrangement by e-mail is recommended)

research interests:
– archaeobotany
– environmental archaeology
– palaeodiet

bibliography: selected papers (last 5 years)

  • Filipović, D., Jones, G., Kirleis, W., Bogaard, A., Ballantyne, R., Charles, M., de Vareilles, A., Ergun, M., Gkatzogia, E., Holguin, A., Hristova, I., Karathanou, A., Kapcia, M., Knežić, D., Kotzamani, G., Lathiras, P., Livarda, A., Marinova, E., Michou, S., Mosulishvili, M., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Obradović, D., Padgett, M., Paraskevopoulou, P., Petridou, C., Stylianakou, H., Zerl, T., Vidas, D., Valamoti, S.M., 2023. Triticum timopheevii s.l. (‘new glume wheat’) finds in regions of southern and eastern Europe across space and time. Veg. Hist. Archaeobotany.
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., Moskal-del Hoyo, M., Korczyńska-Cappenberg, M., Kapcia, M., Nowak, M., 2023. Plant macro-remains from a large middle Neolithic settlement in SE Poland – Internal diversification and possible status of the settlers. Archaeol. Sci. Rep. 49, 104016.
  • Korczyńska-Cappenberg, M., Nowak, M., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Wilczyński, J., Pospuła, S., Wertz, K., Kalicki, T., Biesaga, P., Szwarczewski, P., Kapcia, M., Cappenberg, K., Wacnik, A., Hoyo, M.M., 2023. Middle Neolithic agricultural and land-use models in southern Poland: A case-study of the long-term settlement in Mozgawa. The Holocene.
  • Mueller-Bieniek A. Cywa K. 2022. Pozostałości roślinne towarzyszące skarbom przedmiotów brązowych z Sanoka (Białej Góry) i Woli Sękowej, [w:] Blajer W., Bochnak T., Cywa K., Garbacz-Klempka A., Glinianowicz G., Jurecki P., Kotowicz P., Kuropka P., Łucejko J.J., Maciejewski M., Mueller-Bieniek A., Nowak K., Przybyła M.M., Skowron K., Ku czci bogów i ludzi. Skarby z okolic Sanoka. Studium interdyscyplinarne, Lublin-Sanok 2022, s. 141-148
  • Nalepka, D., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Walanus, A., 2022. Spread of quinoa (Chenopodiaceae) pollen grains and finds of fat-hen (Chenopodium album) seeds in Kujawy in the Middle Holocene, in: Grygiel, M., Obst, P. (Eds.), Walking Among Ancient Trees. Fundacja Badań Archeologicznych Imienia Profesora Konrada Jażdżewskiego, Łódź, pp. 265–274
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., Moskal-del Hoyo, M., Wilczyński, J., Przybyła, M.M., 2022. The same spot – Two different worlds: Plant and animal remains from multiculture site at Sadowie in southern Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 45, 103608.
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., 2021. Owoce i nasiona ze stanowisk archeologicznych jako źródło wiedzy o paleośrodowisku, in: Gancarski, J. (Ed.), Zmiany środowiska i warunków klimatycznych w okresie od schyłkowego paleolitu do końca średniowiecza i ich wpływ na warunki życia człowieka w północnej części Europy Środkowej. Muzeum Podkarpackie w Krośnie, Krosno, pp. 87–120
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., 2021. Plants in the Lives of Medieval Cracovians, in: Izdebski, A., Szmytka, R. (Eds.), Krakow, an Ecobiography. University of Pittsburgh Press, pp. 68–87
  • Mueller-Bieniek A., Rusishvili N., Jalabadze M., Kvavadze E.,  2021. Plant remains from Berikldeebi, Georgia, 1979-1992. Bioarchaeology of the Near East 15, 77–84.
  • Kontny, B., Szeliga, M., Wojenka, M., Kosiński, T., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Kot, M., 2021. A Unique Clay Rattle from Koziarnia Cave in Southern Poland. Archäol. Korresp. 51, 91–109.
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., 2020. Kraków Mogiła 53, 55 – Kopiec Wandy. Raport z badań archeobotanicznych. Mater. Archeol. Nowej Huty 23: 305–310
  • Salavert, A., Zazzo, A., Martin, L., Antolín, F., Gauthier, C., Thil, F., Tombret, O., Bouby, L., Manen, C., Mineo, M., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Piqué, R., Rottoli, M., Rovira, N., Toulemonde, F., Vostrovská, I., 2020. Direct dating reveals the early history of opium poppy in western Europe. Sci. Rep. 10, 1–10.
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., Jarosińska, J., 2020. Neolityczne ślady użytkowania roślin w rejonie Dolnej Wierzycy i Janki na Pojezierzu Starogardzkim, in: Felczak, O. (Ed.), Wczesny i środkowy neolit na Pojezierzu Starogardzkim w świetle badań nad Dolną Wierzycą i Janką. Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk, Gdańsk, pp. 281–313. ISBN 978-83-956473-2-1
  • Czajkowska, B.I., Bogaard, A., Charles, M., Jones, G., Kohler-Schneider, M., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Brown, T.A., 2020. Ancient DNA typing indicates that the “new” glume wheat of early Eurasian agriculture is a cultivated member of the Triticum timopheevii group. Journal of Archaeological Science 123, 105258.
  • Filipović, D., Meadows, J., Corso, M.D., Kirleis, W., Alsleben, A., Akeret, Ö., Bittmann, F., Bosi, G., Ciută, B., Dreslerová, D., Effenberger, H., Gyulai, F., Heiss, A.G., Hellmund, M., Jahns, S., Jakobitsch, T., Kapcia, M., Klooß, S., Kohler-Schneider, M., Kroll, H., Makarowicz, P., Marinova, E., Märkle, T., Medović, A., Mercuri, A.M., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Nisbet, R., Pashkevich, G., Perego, R., Pokorný, P., Pospieszny, Ł., Przybyła, M., Reed, K., Rennwanz, J., Stika, H.-P., Stobbe, A., Tolar, T., Wasylikowa, K., Wiethold, J., Zerl, T., 2020. New AMS 14 C dates track the arrival and spread of broomcorn millet cultivation and agricultural change in prehistoric Europe. Scientific Reports 10, 13698.
  • Mnich, B., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Nowak, M., Wilczyński, J., Pospuła, S., Szostek, K., 2020. Terrestrial diet in prehistoric human groups from southern Poland based on human, faunal and botanical stable isotope evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 32, 102382.
  • Pyzel, J., Mueller-Bieniek, A., Moskal-del Hoyo, M.M., 2020. The first farmers on the Vistula river  in the Polish lowlands, in: Gron, K.J., Sørensen, L., Rowley-Conwy, P. (Eds.), Farmers at the Frontier. A Pan-European Perspective of Neolithization. Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelphia, pp. 247–261
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., Pyzel, J., Kapcia, M., 2020. Chenopodium Seeds in Open-Air Archaeological Sites – How to Not Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater. Environmental Archaeology 25, 69–81.
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., Nowak, M., Styring, A., Lityńska-Zając, M., Moskal-del Hoyo, M., Sojka, A., Paszko, B., Tunia, K., Bogaard, A., 2019. Spatial and temporal patterns in Neolithic and Bronze Age agriculture in Poland based on the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of cereal grains. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports. 27, 101993.
  • Mueller-Bieniek, A., Bogucki, P., Pyzel, J., Kapcia, M., Moskal-del Hoyo, M., Nalepka, D., 2019. The role of Chenopodium in the subsistence economy of pioneer agriculturalists on the northern frontier of the Linear Pottery culture in Kuyavia, central Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science 111, 105027.
  • Kapcia, M., Mueller-Bieniek, A., 2019. An insight into Bronze Age subsistence strategy in forested Carpathian foothills, based on plant macro-remains. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 2879–2895.

more publications:



Commission on Quaternary Palaeogeography, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences

Plavinski Mikalai 

dr Plavinski Mikalai
Dr. Mikalai Plavinski
Department of Medieval and Early Modern Archeology


 phone number:
+48 22 55 22 821 

duty hours:
Wednesday 12.00–14.00, room nr 3.21
Thursday 12.00–14.00, room nr 3.21

research interests:
The main area of research is the archeology of the Polack land, the study of the Slavic burial rite of the early Middle Ages, the history of medieval Eastern European weapons.

selected bibilography: