Serdecznie zapraszamy na przedostatnie w tym roku akademickim Seminarium Archeoorientalistyczne. 12 czerwca br. o godz. 15:00 wystąpi dr Tomasz Michalik z Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej z referatem “Between mental and material heritage. Perception of medieval Nubian paintings by Sudanese and Western people – eye-tracking study”.
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One of the tasks of archaeologists is to make archaeological heritage accessible to the wider audience. However, this task can be challenging, especially in a situation where the archaeologist belongs to a different culture than the one of the local community. One reason for this are culturally grounded cognitive differences, which may affects the perception of archaeological heritage. To address this problem an eye-tracking research was conducted in Monastery on Kom H in Old Dongola archaeological site (Sudan). During the speech, the differences and similarities in the perception and esthetic assessment of medieval Nubian paintings between Sudanese and Western visitors will be discussed. Results indicate among others that there are differences in the recognition of emotions in some paintings between people from different cultures and that there is the importance of the state of preservation of paintings when assessing their beauty. The study was important in understanding the needs of visitors from different social and cultural groups.